
Baby not satisfied?


  My boy is almost 3 weeks old and we've had some issues BFing and have been supplementing from the start. Lately he BFs during the day but sessions can take an hour to an hour and a half of him starting and stopping nursing and switching breasts. However, around dinner time he will nurse for that amount of time and still not be satisfied until he has a bottle. He just took 4 ounces after an hour and a half of on and off nursing and NOW he's satisfied. When I pump I only get about an ounce or so from BOTH breasts so I'm worried he's just not getting enough when he's nursing, but whenever he's done I can still express a little so he's not draining me. I am concerned about the length of his nursing sessions and the fact that he seems unsatisfied at night (he gets bottles at night as well).

  Anyone have suggestions or a similar issue? I'm debating whether or not to see a lactation consultant, as it seems like the BFing is working about half the time. Thanks!

ETA: Baby is big: he was 9 lbs 13 oz at birth and I'm wondering if he's just extra hungry because of it.


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