
They're going to rip my nipples off!

Okay, my boys are 7 weeks old now, and we had a rough start with really bad latches, but I really thought it would get better by now! I'm still so sore, and I still have lingering damage from the bad latches that refuses to heal.

Now on top of that, my boys are constantly fussing/pulling/tugging at my breast. They will come unlatched and not be able to latch themselves back on. Or they will yank themselves off while still latched, OUCH! Or they will fuss and wiggle and grunt and groan and I don't know what it means... sometimes I think it's the milk is too fast, sometimes too slow, I have no idea.

Please tell me they will outgrow this and figure out how to latch and stay latched on their own someday... I tandem feed, so it's really tricky when I have to keep re-latching someone over and over again....

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