
Exclusive Pumpers- supply/output question

I was wondering about my supply. On average, I pump between 8-10oz. in the morning and 3.5-5oz. the rest of my pumps throughout the day. Up until about 2.5 weeks ago, DS usually averaged 4.5oz bottles and that was how much I usually pumped on average. However, DS has started drinking 6-7oz bottles (4 to 5x a day). I always have enough to top off each bottle from the extra in the morning session, so I am making about exactly what he needs, but I can't get much stashed in the freezer. I worry about not making enough, but I have never had to thaw any of my freezer stash because I ran out.

Was wondering how much EP'ers pump during the day. I pump maybe 5-6x a day, so a total average of 24-30oz a day?

I'd like to get my freezer stash up for some over-nights at grandma's and because daycare is in his future. Suggestions? Pumping every 2 hours is not feasible.

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