
LC...Share your experience with me

I have been EPing since my son was born 9 weeks ago.  I hate pumping and would love to breastfeed him instead.  A few times I have tried to nurse him, but most of the time it kills my nipples, so I stop.  My nipples have become very sensitive since pumping.  My supply is good.  I think the biggest hurdle to overcome will be his latch.  I have never seemed to be any good at getting him to latch on properly.  I'm not sure if it is him, or I just don't know what I'm doing.  I had a friend recommend a LC to me and I've been thinking about giving her a try.  Here are my hesitations...she charges $210 for the first visit and $75 for the 2nd, $50 for the 3rd and $35 for any remaining visits.  I became a SAHM after my son was born, so we're definitely on a stricter budget.  I'm concerned my son won't pick up the breastfeeding since he is now 9 weeks old.  Is he too old to learn now?  I also worry she may not be able to help me in one visit.  When I was in the hospital I could never seem to recreate what the LCs showed me.  I'm curious what others experiences have been with LCs.  Did one visit fix the problem?  If not, how many visits did it take? 

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