
Growth Spurt

LO is 3w1d today. He's always been a little snuggler who is only comforted by BF. Yesterday and today he will not let me put him down. I know he's at the age for a growth spurt, and I know "frequent nursing" is to be expected. On Kellysmom it says as frequently as every hour, but he is CONSTANT. If I he drifts to semi sleep and more comfort sucking and I try to unlatch him, he screams his head off. Last night he wouldn't sleep unless he had my nipple in his mouth; he never goes into a deep sleep. I'm cracked and sore, but I just want to make sure we are establishing good supply since I need to go back to work in less than 3 weeks. I broke down and tried to offer a paci so I could shower, and he won't take it. Did anyone else's LO want CONSTANT BFing during growth spurts? I'm going out of my mind here.
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