1st Trimester

Bicornuate (aka heart shaped) uterus?

Am 7 weeks and was just diagnosed with this.  Have read some promising info that it may not affect much but I am still scared.  I dont know the extent of the separation of my uterus until tomorrow, but Id really love to talk to someone who has/had this to pick your brain and keep each other updated.  Thx, and congrats to all.
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
5/25: BFP EDD: 1/25/13, 6/12: No HB detected, 6/22: MC via Cytotec. Informed of possible bicornuate uterus.
10/2: BFP EDD: 6/1/13, 10/20: Natural MC
12/10: ultrasound w/saline confirms septate uterus (almost complete septate). Surgery to correct scheduled 1/11/13; surgery postponed while trying to determine next course of action given results of karyotyping
Diagnosed with balanced reciprocal translocation genetic issue
Surgery rescheduled for 3/13/13.
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