1st Trimester

Some questions maybe you can answer...

So I had my levels checked again today and I am at 5, which I guess is a good thing.  I hated leaving the hospital on Saturday not knowing what was happening, this at least gives me some closure.  I'm still a little confused by some things the nurses have told me over the phone and thought maybe you could help...

1.  This morning when I some with a nurse, she said that the bleeding I'm having now is the miscarriage and not a period.  The lady in the afternoon said that this is technically a period because my number was at 5.  I'm still clotting.  Is this considered a period?

2.  The nurse said I could try and should try again next month if DH and I were emotionally ready to.  She said that I  would be more fertile the cycle after a miscarriage.  Have you ever heard this before and if so, why would I be more fertile following a miscarriage?  This confuses me.


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