1st Trimester

In-Laws Not Excited

 Details: First time grandparents, my DH is the second son of two

When we did the "big reveal" with his parents, we were still in shock ourselves so to see the shocked (and not in a great way) look on their faces was not something I dealt with well.

His mom barely muttered a congratulations and kept to herself the rest of the afternoon. I gave her 2 hours to process and brought it up cautiously, "Sooo, big surprise, huh? Are you feeling okay?" (<--I'm saying this to HER!). She proceeded to tell me how she thought we were going to wait 5 years, etc etc (we were married this January). I had nothing to offer because it was a surprise to us too. At the end of the afternoon, FIL had gotten on board and seemed excited. MIL didn't mention it again and hasn't mentioned it since (we told them on memorial day).

A few days after, they did come over while DH was on a business trip and did laundry, yard work, and cooked for me--something they've never done before. I know this is how they show love, but is it too much to ask to have excited grandparents???

Has anyone dealt with a MIL like this? Do I just ignore her negative reaction or what? Their excitment is the best support for us at this point while we're still trying to wrap our brains around it.


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