
Reintro to breast at 5.5 months?

Hi all,
My son, Asher, was a terrible breastfeeder from the beginning, sleepy when nursing- easily distracted, lazy latcher. We tried for several weeks,  and I pumped to feed him. My pediatrician reccomended just supplementing,and I  refused, but we both got frustrated and so I just gave up on nursing before he was a month old.  I went back to work, and never bothered re-trying to get him on the breast. I've been pumping this whole time, and am now on summer break (I'm a teacher) and I'd love to see if I can get Asher to breastfeed. Is it worth trying? Has anyone experienced anything similar? I'd love to be able to breastfeed and not just be milked by a machine if I can help it... 
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