
Dangers of babywise!

I'm not normally someone who posts anything, but if I can save some new moms the pain and suffering my baby went through, I will!

I read Gary Ezzo's On Becoming Babywise because it was so highly recommended on some forums as well as through word of mouth.  Please do some research on Gary Ezzo and babywise methods before you choose to follow them! He doesn't advertise this, but he is a right-wing Christian minister with absolutely zero qualifications for advising mothers on how to feed their infants!  Four days after my baby was born, he had lost almost 2 pounds, was severely dehydrated, and I hate to say, but probably starving!!!!!!  It makes me sick just thinking about it.  We spent a week in the hospital trying to figure out what was wrong with him.  This man does not know what he is talking about.  If you want to know about how to feed your baby correctly and help them sleep, consult professionals-pediatricians and lactation consultants!  Oh, and just listen to your baby, they will tell you what they need.  

And, by the way, when I was following babywise, my baby and I were both miserable.  I felt like a prisoner to the clock and my baby did not sleep well at all and I had issues with milk production.  Since consulting with my pediatrician and lactation consultants, my baby is healthy, happy, and sleeping great!  All I can hope is that I didn't harm my baby's brain development in the four weeks that I followed babywise.  

I'm not trying to tell you what to do or how to feed your baby, just warning you that you may want to look into Gary Ezzo and Babywise before you go following his methods! 

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