1st Trimester

praying for a dating u/s wednesday

I have no idea how far along I am. This was unexpected, I wasn't charting and my periods have been "off" since I gave birth to my first son. Sometimes they were longer cycles, sometimes shorter. I just never knew. I know that I had a period in April, but that's about it.

Went to the GYN to confirm my pregnancy. She did an exam and said my uterus is still pretty small, so I'm less than 8 weeks. Okay, whatever. I knew that.

I have an OB appt on Wednesday morning. Really praying and hoping that they do a dating u/s so I can get, at least an estimate, of when this baby is due. That, and I feel so much more anxious and nervous this time around. Perhaps because I know what's to come-- I'm not sure. Anyone else? 

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