
Worried - Bloody Stools - Not sure what to do!

My EBF 6 week old started having bloody/green/mucous stools two weeks ago, and a couple days later I started a dairy/soy free diet before getting in to see GI. Earlier this week she began sleeping better, and the visible blood started to diminish. We saw GI on Wed. and he agreed that it was likely a dairy/soy intolerance and that we would have to wait two weeks to see if she improved. He also switched her from Zantac to Prevacid for reflux. Thurs. evening she had first Prevacid dose and slept horrible that night and by morning her stools were no longer green, but were very bloody (bright red). She was cranky all day Friday and seemed to have abdominal pain. I called GI and he insisted that it was not from the Prevacid, but something from my diet. I hesitantly gave her Prevacid last night and she slept great, but there is even more blood in her stools this morning. She had three within an hour and they were very watery and bloody, and she seemed in pain. I called on call GI and he pretty much told me to do whatever I thought I needed to do...stop Prevacid if I thought that affected her, put her on formula, etc. He gave me no guidance. I am nearly at my wits end, and I just want my baby to get better. I don't know if I should take her to the Pediatric Urgent Care at this point or not. She is a little fussy and eating fine. I am just worried that it is something else...salmonella, E. Coli, etc. I am freaking myself out. Does anyone have a similar experience or advice? I don't want to put her on formula if it is not necessary...I just feel like I have no support from her doctors and that they will just suggest the easiest/quickest way out.
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