Single Parents

Tell me how you do it!?

Just curious how other single parents manage?  In the beginning I was so angry that my ex left me and expected me to raise my son all by myself (no easy task).  He already had his new GF to help him plus he has two teenage daughters, a retired always available mother close by, teenage niece and his sister live next door.  Of course he wasn't worried about taking care of a 1.5 year old.

I didn't have an army of people at my disposal.  What I did have was my sister already overwhelmed with working full time, taking care of two little boys, and trying to keep from constantly battling her own husband. (who both stepped in and helped as much as they could in my time of need).  And my mother who bless her heart is not a kid person and can only be bothered if she is in the mood. 

Over this past 9 months I've learned to manage, but I wonder if I will ever shake this feeling of "how could he."  How could he leave me to become the protector, provider, nurturer, etc.  I guess he had enough foresight to see that eventually someone else would take his place.  Or really I guess if I'm honest I know the answer is he didn't give a sh*t.  I know he just wanted me to fold and hand over my son for him and his GF and his army of family to raise. 

"How often does the other woman get a happy ending?" Chuck Bass, Gossip Girl
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