
Frustrated with DH, help me make my argument

First off let me just say for the record that my DH is AMAZING. He is a truly devoted father and will do anything for his boys. And he's a wonderful husband, I couldn't have asked for a better man. But I need to vent for just a minute....

Both of our twins have been going through bouts of colic. They have horrible gas pains and just can't pass it, and end up crying uncontrolably. We've been using gripe water, and it helps a little, but Alex especially is still having a really hard time, and it's affecting everyone's sleep at night.

DH wants to try one of the formulas designed for colic/gas/fussiness, to see if it helps. He's really frustrated and exhausted, as am I, but I've worked way too hard at BFing twins to give up and switch to formula. And I think he will take in more air from the bottle than from gulping on my fast let down. I think he just has to outgrow it ad we are stuck with a rough time for a while.


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