
Pre-delivery pampering....

Im going to be having my third c-section in November and Im wondering if you guys have heard of having a pampering party for the mom to be that involves only a handful of friends of family (Im thinking my moms (birth mom and step mom) my two teen aged sisters and two of my best friends) and the day before my c-section going to get our hair cut, nails done (feet too :D ) buy new "waterproof" makeup and possibly a wax. I just read an article about mom's who knew the exact date of surgery or delivery doing that so they feel refreshed and beautiful after delivery (Im thinking, doing my makeup right before I go in so everything stays and doesnt melt off lol) Im just wondering if anyone had done something similar and if so, am I missing anything to save up for? Or maybe if you have done something like this, what did you guys do? Im looking for ideas on how to make myself more excited because the delivery part just gets me really down about my appearance (sorry to sound only interested in my looks, but everyone likes to look good, doesnt matter what type of picture is being taken) Any friendly or encouraging advice would be appreciated!
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