Babies on the Brain

Surprise US yesterday!

So I had some very uncomfortable cramping yesterday and then I also had some pink spotting so yesterday evening I decided to go ahead and go to the ER just to be on the safe side.  They did bloodwork etc but also did an abdominal ultrasound and as soon as he pressed it down on my tummy the little peanut flickered right on the screen in perfect position!  I was shocked that he saw it via abdominal that early and ER doc seemed to think maybe I'm further along but didn't measure or date anything.  You could see the heartbeat flicker as well at 168!  So thrilled! 

Cervix was still closed and couldn't really find a reason for the cramps/spotting.  He did go ahead and give me my Rhogam shot since I'm O- in case that was an issue.  I'll follow up with my doctor next week at my ultrasound on Tuesday. 

So incredibly surreal to see that precious baby and heartbeat.  Counting my blessings for sure.

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