1st Trimester

Why I love TB.

Yesterday I read a post from a woman who had been chewed out for drinking a coke. One of the comments underneath was that the original coke recipe was made for upset tummies, and small sips could help with nausea (advice given by her doc). So today I FINALLY gave into my craving and drank some coke. OMG!!! I feel SO MUCH BETTER! I can eat! I had energy to clean my living room! I am even eating some homemade potato salad for lunch! I can't tell you all how much I appreciate TB and all you ladies.  What have you ladies found that really has made your pregnancy a bit easier?
Lost but never forgotten <3 : </br> 1st BFP 2/8/06 m/c @ 12 weeks; 2nd BFP 2/9/07 w/ Clomid; DD (Monica Caroline) born 11/16/07; 3rd BFP 3/25/11 w/ injections m/c @ 5 weeks; 4th BFP 8/3/11 w/ injections diagnosed blighted ovum; 5th BFP 1/20/12 m/c @ 9 weeks; 6th BFP 4/27/12 Praying for our rainbow Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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