1st Trimester

Pregnancy after miscarriage, spotting

Has anyone experienced the same type of spotting they did with previous miscarriages, but gone on to have a healthy pregnancy?

In December I had a missed miscarriage when I was supposed to be about 8 weeks (baby stopped developing at 6w5d).  I had started to spot a tiny amount of thin red blood on Thanksgiving day.  Since then it was on and off until I found out I was to miscarry. When I had an u/s at 6w1d there was a hb of 106 but nothing indicating why I had been spotted.

I'm now about 4w 4 days, last Thursday when I wiped I had a tiny bit of thin red blood with no mucous or anything.  This is the same exact way my first miscarriage started :(.  The only difference is I'm a little earlier on.  Also, TMI alert sorry, in the morning after a bowel when I wiped in the front there was a tiny blood speck the side of a pin head.  I'm remaining somewhat optimistic to not bring any negative thoughts or energy but I'm finding it really hard to really relax especially since I've experienced a loss.  I've had blood drawn on Thurs which was 94 and again Mon which was 344 with a progesterone level of 18.1.  The nurse on the phone is trying to move my apt from this coming thur to earlier.  I really dislike not knowing what may or may not happen.

I have a healthy almost 4 year old son and I never had the red blood with him.  I only experienced brown spotting for about 2 weeks at around 10-12 weeks.

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