
At my wit's end and desperate for advice/ideas

I really want to Breastfeed my son but it seem like everything is working against us. He is just over 5 weeks now and hasnt figured it out. In the hospital they forced me to supplement with formula because his weight dropped from 7 10 to 6 12 and they said if he didn't round the corner they were going to put him in the NICU. The hospital LC was confident that we'd only need to use the formula and SNS for a week to catch him up and get him through his stuffy nose. 

 I slowly weened him off the SNS but he got really fussy and when I took him to the pediatrician 1 week later he hadn't gained any weight, she refered me to another LC. On my first visit the LC was really hopeful, she told me he was just weak and behind and once he caught up and got stronger he'd be fine. His latch was good and I was producing milk, just not enough because he wasn't draining me so my supply was drying up. She told me to have him start on the breast the give hima bottle of formula or BM (if I had enough) then pump afterward. I did this for a week and his weight came up but my milk wasn't improving much and he still did a lame job on the breast.

At my next appointment she weighed him before and after he fed at the breast and after 20 min of 'feeding' he'd only managed .01 oz and there was still plenty of milk I my breasts. She checked him again and discovered that he was chewing while sucking, which was causing me pain and isn't an effiecient way to eat. He only manages 2-3 cycles of sucking and swallowing per breast before he jus t bites, chews and generally just messes around. Her theory was that his jaw was tight and said she couldn't do anything else for us and referred us to a physical therapist who does cranioscaral stuff. We went and she said she could fix it but we haven't heard from her in since (over a week ago).

At this point I'm totally frustrated and don't know what else I can do. I'm thinking about giving up as trying to find the time to pump enough to get my supply up is nearly impossible and I'm going back to work soon. I only pump 1/2-2 oz total each time I pump and only manage to pump 5-8 oz a day. My little guy eats 4.5 oz per feeding so it feels really impossible now. Anyone have any advice for me? I would really like to Breastfeed but I'm running out of time and options and all this stress is effecting my relationship with my son. 

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