
low supply in the evening

I know that naturally I will make less milk in the evening b/c LO STTN, but what I am making is not keeping up with her demand. In the morning and early afternoon, we're good but after 4ish, she's not getting enough to be full and by the end of the night, she's having meltdowns at my breast, screaming, trying to pull my nipple off, kicking, etc. I can't nurse her to sleep like that, obviously. I have been for a couple of weeks just toughing it out and letting her nurse at will, hoping it would increase my supply but it's not. It's getting worse. I gave her a bottle of expressed BM (I'm pumping right now to make up for it) and she was soooo happy. 


how do I build up my evening supply w/o being super engorged in the morning? Is there a way?  

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