
Ladies ? about a 4 month old EBF

My ds is 4 months and have been EBF...

He normally only took 1 side per feeding session..... but lately (last few days) I give him one side and he drinks and he is happy for a few minutes (10-20 min) and then complains that he wants more... I try the same side but he is still fussy and cries...I give him the other side and he is OK. Both sides are then very soft and seem empty...

I am tring to drink plenty of water and eating when hungry. Is this normal for a 4 month old to take 2 sides?

I don't pump so I don't know about my do you know when its taking a dive? I am so confused for all the doctors and my mom said as long as he is eating I should be producing milk but then on here I hear about people worry about their supply tanking... HELP please...

I want this BF to go till at least 1 year of age....any suggestions?
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