3rd Trimester

how to get a good score on BPP

Hi Ladies,

How is everyone doing? Has anyone ever done a bio-physical profile(BPP)?  Does anyone know how good that test is?

I am in my 38th week and my ob-gyn would like me do one. I take medication for hyper-thyroidism and due to that ob-gyn wants me to do a bio-physical profile. He says if my score is not good, I might have to be induced on my due date. I don?t want to be induced as that would most certainly lead a c-section.

This doctor had initially agreed to wait till 41.5 weeks.  But due to thyroid medication, I think he wants to avoid liability and get me induced asap. If my scores don?t come out good, then he will start putting a lot of pressure on me for induction.

Does anyone know how to get a good score on BPP? Should I eat or drink something special?

If anyone has ever done a BPP, could you please share your experience with me?



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