
Why is my supply tanking?

I used to have a slight oversupply. Baby feeds from one side & always has. The past couple days she never seems full. She always eats more often in the evenings, but now it's happening all day. She went from eating 15 mins on one side & being full to taking BOTH breasts for 30 mins & still rooting around & crying shortly after. 

Baby will be 8 weeks on Saturday. I started the mini pill 1week ago. I started bleeding a few days ago. Period? It seems weird to get it so soon but it's heavy bleeding and I haven't been bleeding for awhile prior to this. My breasts also don't feel engorged anymore, not even when she gives us a 6 hour stretch at night.

Should I wait for this "period" bleeding to stop and see if my supply comes back? Stop the mini pill? Something else? 

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