
Looking ahead...working while ebfing

My son is only a week old but I'm already thinking about how life will be when I go back to work around eight weeks. Id like to continue ebfing and not have to pump or send bottles to daycare. I work about five minutes from where he will go to daycare.   Is it realistic for me to think I can come and go as needed to feed him from the breast?    I have a job with plenty of freedom and flexibility (at least do far)so I'm hoping I can manage this. How many times in an eight hour workday should I expect to be out of the office to feed him?  I can always pack a lunch for myself and eat on the road back and forth etc. anyone doing something similar they can offer insight?  I have started a freezer stash but really want to nurse him as long as I can myself. He's such a good breast feeder so far I don't want to mess it up when I go back to work. 
Lionyl Osborne "Lio" is here! May 23rd 2012 at 2:54am 8lbs 4oz 21inches Born at 37weeks 6days
DD #1 born 9/3/2003 - 8 years old - 3rd grade!
DD #2 born 3/22/2007 - 5 years old - in full time preschool

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