
Have I missed the boat? WWYD??

I have a dilemma and am welcoming any advice, support, or opinions anyone has to offer--I'll try to keep this short.

My plan for feeding my child from day 1 has always been to EBF, it was really important to me and I did everything I could to make it happen. After birth it was a little tough and but day 3 DD had dropped from 7 13 to 7 0. I know BF babies lose weight initially and I was prepared for that. However, we were struggling to latch right and using a shield wasn't really working either.

Day 4 pp I ended up in the ICU due to eclampsia and was away from baby for 3 days. (She was brought to visit me for short periods everyday but I didn't want her there too long bc ICU's are icky places. By the time I regained conciousness on day 5 I realized I my milk had never really come in, I never became engorged so I figured I had missed my opportunity to BF. DD had been put on formula while I was away and was doing well with it. Doc asked me if I wanted to try to pump and I declined bc I had literally nothing coming out of my nipples. Doc believed that my milk didn't come in bc of the trauma my body had gone through from delivery up to the two seizures I had. It broke my heart to not BF and I still feel really guilty that I didn't try hard enough. It still bothers me that shes on formula even though she is flourishing.

So now I have my 2 week old DD and discovered last night that I still have some milk coming out when I express manually (I'm talking drops, nothing substantial). I am now conflicted bc I feel like I should try to get my supply to come in. I know breast milk is best but if she's doing so well on formula would it be right to try to switch her at this point?

So wwyd? Do I just let it be and keep her on formula? Do I try to pump and give her bottled BM? Do I work really hard and get her back to breast like my original plan? Do you think switching her at this point makes me selfish? TIA for any comments!

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