Babies on the Brain

Just a vent about weight

I am so sick of being fat. I seriously gained sixty pounds over my pregnancy. I have no clue how that happened, and yes, I know how awful it is. I lost twenty almost right away... but that still leaves forty to go (not to mention the stretch marks).

My daughter is now nine weeks old. I have been eating great, drinking water, and going on walks for two weeks and I have GAINED two pounds. This is ridiculous. I am getting frustrated with myself. I thought that breast feeding would help the weight just melt right off, and now I am almost dried up (I went back to work and pumping is not keeping my supply).

I want to lose 40 pounds (or more). I think I will try the "30 day shred" exercise program or something.

Mostly, I just had to vent, because I am kind of embarassed to talk about this issue IRL. Congrats if you made it through this long vent, and any suggestions are welcome.

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