1st Trimester

I am seriously angry now...

  I have done enough reading to know that I am not being treated with proper respect and kindness that I should at my medical center.
 I don't even know my nurses name, she barely ever talked to me at the appointment other than to tell me that she doesn't like my weight to begin with, I had an ultrasound and no one spoke to me the entire time until she said 110 beats per minute. WTF? I had a miscarriage a week before getting pregnant again and I know of people and have read things that people told their OB's about a previous loss and now they get monitored with ultrasounds, doppler readings, all of that stuff. Am I being treated unfairly because, I think I am! I have had to call the nurse line about 10 times since my last appointment to see when it was, which hospital it was at (because, OMC sucks in my town) and to see what I will be doing. All I know is it's Wednesday, 1:00 and they will try for a heartbeat. I don't know who I will be seeing and I don't know anything.

I feel mistreated and angry! 

pregnancy calendar pregnancy due date Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers ~Our little peanut is due on December 18th 2012 and we couldn't be more excited...We love you, baby.~
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