
exercise and ebf

once I am clear to workout pp I want to return to running a few times a week and toning. I had to stop running during this pregnancy due to awful RLP, it hurts even if I walk to long :( I miss working out! I hate feeling doughy and not very toned anymore, it really bothers me. Im really looking forward to getting back on the wagon once I get my body back...

I want to ebf, its very important to me. will working out possibly affect my supply? is there are way to deal with that? exercising makes me feel good but I can also eat extra or alter something so that my supply doesnt dip. If I workout just to feel toned but hang onto some weight for my supply thats fine, I'll do whatever I have to in order to provide for the baby.

Any advice? what has your experience been with exercising and bfing? I feel so lost on this!

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