1st Trimester

I look like I am 22-23 wks pregnant!

I will post a picture later, but I look much further along than 6 wks. I know it is just bloat but holy cow it is BAD... there is no hiding this. Its obviously baby bloat and only in my belly... I'm not out of the "danger zone" for miscarriage yet and wanted to keep this a secret a while longer... not sure if I'll be able to :(

 I had a very flat belly pre-pregnancy... not that it matters but its not excess skin/flab..


BFP #1- m/c at 9 wks BFP #2- m/c at 6 wks BFP #3- DS :) SUCCESS! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP #4- M/C at 9 wks BFP #5- M/C at 4 weeks- chemical pregnancy BFP #6- stopped growing at 6wks 1day
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