Single Parents

Possible single mom future...

Here is my post from April 12 please ladies give me your advice (my husband has been caught doing this crap over 25 times during our marriage sometimes with other products other than oil/butter... (he has also stolen medication from me in the past (my oxy from my c-section, and oxy from my gallbladder removal). I'm at the end of my rope here with this marriage and he doesn't seem to "want" to change. He drinks 5 days a week also (2-3 scotch a night), smokes cigs (left one of the cigs burning in our basement once till I smelled smoke coming up through the vents). I could go on and on... >:

Hi everyone:I'm at my final straw with my husband and need some advice. My husband looks at porn (not my issue). I came home today from work ,my husband was buzzed watching the kids alone, he also had jerked off at his desk while the kids were sleeping in front of him in the RNP. He uses olive oil and butter yes butter. I had a talk with him last week about this and told him to order some f'in astroglide and go up in our bedroom and jerk off in private... Well the astroglide hasn't arrived yet so this is what I came home to. He has done this many times over that I cannot count anymore, (oil and butter spattered on my walls)... This to me is absolutely disgusting and unacceptable (also considering I own this house). He's ruined furniture also. This first started happening the week we werre to be married... I'm at a point I cannot take this anymore, on top of this he owns guns and back in the day he mistakingly shot a hole in our house not realizing the gun was loaded... I feel like I'm living in a nightmare. He was slurring his words when I got home (Iwas going to make a nice dinner but instead I had to deal with this). Our son was sitting in his RNP with a bottle in his mouth and a blanket under it and he was completely soaked through shirt and bib. My husband was like "I burped him a 1/2 hour ago... We proceded to get in an arguement about this I went in the other room for a bit and he went and got ethan another bottle (told me he warmed it) it was ice cold... I had also put a bottle on my husband's desk that I found in my car under the seat (1 month old milk) he picked it up later and almost gave it to our son!!! 

Please tell me I'm not crazy for thinking this stuff is beyond what anyone should deal with... I got to a point where I called his mom to have her come and get her "buzzed" crazy son. Well she bit$hed me out telling me I was crazy and I'm making her have physical stress and illness, she also told me if we divorce she will see the kids and they will be brought to her house! She also yelled at me and told me to stop telling my "Mom" our problems. Please help>: I didn't want this, seriously who the F would! But for my kids I'm at a point of selling my house (financially i cannot go it alone but if I sell this house I can get a smaller one and have a good amount of money left over ) and raising them myself... I can't have a husband and father who does this, I'm living in hell and so unhappy... 

Oct1201212 Twins born at 34w2d, Allison, 3lb,4oz-Ethan, 4lb7oz, both 16 1/2 inches. Out of Difficulties Grow Miracles BestBuddiesBoy AprilPosseMultiLilypie Premature Baby tickers
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