
Preparing for Low Supply-Question!

I was able to BF my son for a year, but it was a struggle throughout- beginning with the first few days coming home from the hospital.  Before I was discharged, I expressed my concern that Henry hadn't had any wet diapers.  They assured me that he was probably just tired from his circumcision and that if he were truly hungry, he would be crying.  Well, long story short, he became seriously dehydrated and it was a rough beginning since my milk didn't come in for a least a week.  And, when I say, "came in," I mean, like, I produced drops.  Ugh.  OK, fast forward, I loaded myself up on everything that could help produce milk- mother's milk tea, oatmeal, fenugreek, and eventually domperidone (which eventually was a godsend!!!), and I was able to produce just enough....barely.  

I am now due any minute, and I just had the idea that maybe I could "prep" my body by taking/using some of these things now?  Anyone heard of this?  Would it be safe to take fenugreek now?  or even domperidone (obviously, I'll also check with doc, but just had this idea!).  Any thoughts would be appreciated!


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