
XP: weaning (partial) questions

I started partial weaning my 7mo Thursday.  As much as I absolutely love BF'ing, the reality is, I am 35 and we want to have more than 1 child.  We met with our OB and RE on Thursday and were given the go ahead to start trying once AF comes back.  At this point, he is way more into solids than BM.  He is nursing to sleep, only.  We co-sleep and he nurses all night long so it was more important to me to keep that connection (co-sleeping) than it was to night wean him and keep up the daytime snacks.  So with the help of LLL and my hospital warm line, I have decided to partial wean him during the day (I have a quite a lot frozen).  So now (at LLL recommendation) I am just BF'ing in the morning, for his first nap, and then to sleep (and all night long).  Since Thursday, we have had at least a 8 hour stretch every day in between the morning nap and the night time nursing session.

The last 2 days, I was so engorged, my boobs were crazy painful and disturbingly lumpy.  It was horrible.  Today I have been 'normally' full all day (normal = nursed 2 hours ago).  I am surprised how quickly my supply has decreased.  (and sad.  To be honest.. I had such a hard time BFing in the beginning, it is really difficult, emotionally, to allow this to happen :(

My questions:  How long did it take AF to come back after weaning (partial or not)?  How long did it take your engorgement to go down?  


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