1st Trimester

How much do you really do?

    I know a lot of expecting mother's let their significant others pick up where they are lacking.They cook, clean, do laundry, work and just wait on their SO's (the boys). I lacked quite a bit when I first got pregnancy symptoms (without a test) because, I thought that I had the flu. For about a week, I sat around and took naps, threw up and did nothing. I finally got a positive test from a pregnancy clinic and that's when it hit me..... NO FLU... dammmmmmnnnnn. 

Now, I am 10 weeks along and I can honestly say that I still do quite a bit around the house.  I do the laundry, I make meals during the day (he does dinner when he is home), I clean up all of the rooms in the house, I go to the store, I still do quite a bit.... being a neat freak. I don't have a job right now, so I am constantly job searching out and about and online..... crossed fingers, I need a job like... asap! 

He works odd hours and helps when he is at home but, he's working anywhere up to 50 hours a week (overtime baby) and he is barely ever home. Blah! What do your SO's do? Don't get me wrong... he has been amazing when he is home but, I still do some dirty work, I'm not using this as a handicap. I wish I could ;) 

pregnancy calendar pregnancy due date Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers ~Our little peanut is due on December 18th 2012 and we couldn't be more excited...We love you, baby.~
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