1st Trimester

Threatened miscarriage

I had been spotting from May 16-21, but it was light and the Dr. wasn't concerned. My betas were high and doubling. We had our first u/s yesterday and the baby's heartbeat was 117 and everything looked good. About an hour after my appointment, I felt a gush of blood and looked to see tons of bright red blood. I immediately called my Dr. and told me to lay on the couch and if I get severe cramps to go the ER. I am still bleeding like a period, but slight minor cramps so I called my OB this morning and they saw me today. He said that I have a threatened miscarriage and it's 50/50 what the outcome will be. I am scared, but I trust the Lord and He is good no matter what happens. If you could pray, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
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