
FTM Question re: Insatiable Appetite & Frequent BMs

For the last 2 days, it seems like LO has had an insatiable appetite! She is only 8 days old, so I kind of just attribute it to a growth spurt, but she never seems to get full! 2 days ago, my breasts were engorged and I was having to pump in between feedings, but now I'm not sure I'd even have anything to pump.

Also, it seems like EVERY TIME we change her diaper, she turns right around and blows it out again. Her stool has already turned to the yellow seedy consistency that it's supposed to, but she's starting to get diaper rash from pooping so much. I don't want to leave her in a dirty diaper because of that, but she is seriously pooping as soon as we get a clean diaper on her! Is this pretty normal? Any tips or suggestions?

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