
Weird supply ...

So, it seems like I have plenty of BM in the morning. I BF DD, and then pump - to where I can get anywhere from 6-9oz.

Then throughout the day she'll eat about every 2.5 or so hours. 

But at night, like 7pm and on, she'll constantly be eating. I'll switch breasts back and forth for like an hour, sometimes 1.5 hours. She seems hungry and like  shes not getting anything (sometimes I'll even try to express and nothing. She'll then go to bed about 8:30pm. & recently, she's been waking up once at night, or just earlier than normal- she's been STTN from 8:30p-7:30a since 8w (until recently).

How is it possible to produce so much in the morning, but hardly anything at night? Does this indicate an issue, and what should I do? Already taking 80mg of Dom. daily...

DD1 January, 2009
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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