
Question re: Medela pump-in-style vs. symphony

DS is one month old today and we've had several issues getting started BFing--poor latch, flat nipples, low supply. We're working on these, but I've been pumping with a rented Medela symphony--the hospital-grade pump.

I went ahead and bought a pump-in-style, because I figured I'll need one anyway and this way I don't have to pay the rental fee on top of spending the money for my own pump. Now I'm wondering how different they are.

This thing seems a lot louder than the symphony and less efficient. Has anyone else had this experience? My supply is already nowhere near enough (on a good day I get 1/2 of what LO needs), so I don't know what to do if the pump-in-style is going to affect that.

Any thoughts/suggestions?

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