
Ending Reverse Cycling?

So I went back to work about 2.5 weeks ago.  My LO is now 14 weeks old and has never loved the bottle.  She'll take it, but not lovingly! 

Anyway, over the past couple of days, she is barely eating 6-8 oz during the day while I'm gone.  I'll nurse her first thing in the morning (around 6:30am), in the evening around 5:30pm when I get home and the again before she goes to sleep at about 8:30pm.  And then she'll get up a few times at night to eat, but essentially she's eating about 8 oz between 6:30am and 5:30pm!! 

We were down to 1 wake-up around 4:00am-4:30am before I went back to work, and now I'm worried she is reverse cycling.  Does anyone have any suggestions for how to break this cycle?  Should I have the nanny force her to eat more during the day?  She is also sleeping a lot during the day, which I imagine has a lot to do with the fact that she isn't eating very much, so she's likely very tired!!!  Am I destined to have a baby who never STTN?!  TIA!

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