1st Trimester

Subchorionic Hematoma - anyone else have it?

Hi All,

 I started having some light spotting at 5.5 weeks, throughout 7 weeks, after which I was diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma.  I was on bedrest for 10 days and was cleared to go back to work last week with instructions for pelvic rest, and "taking it easy"...started spotting again today after a week of no spotting :( my doctor told me to expect some pink/brown spotting but it still freaks me out every time.  I work at the hospital where my Dr. is at, and left a message with her nurse about the spotting resuming. My Dr is in the O.R. so her nurse has assured me she'll give me a call back when she's out of OR.

Was just wondering if anyone else in bump-land has been diagnosed with one and what your experiences have been with it so far?

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