1st Trimester

Elevated White Blood Cells :(

Hi there :)

I had an appointment with my OB today at 11 weeks, and he was able to find the heartbeat almost instantly with the Doppler! It was in the upper 160s, and he said everything was perfect! :)

However, as we were leaving, I asked the nurse to check on my WBC count (it was 12.2 back in December) and it went up even more to 14.8. I'm a little freaked out. As soon as I left, I called my family doctor and they got me in right away.

They told me that I shouldn't worry, and elevated WBCs are totally normal in pregnancy.

I was not sick at the time of any bloodwork, and I feel great. I did have a UTI back at the end of March, but that's been awhile ago.

Anyone else deal with anything similar? I need to calm down, haha.

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