Single Parents

Paternity results... (kind of long)

I know I'm opening a can of worms with this one but here's the story. 

I was seeing this guy for giggles (we mutually agreed that nothing was really going to come of it) and only actually saw him three times. During the time I saw him Super bowl happened and I was hanging out with a friend and due to an over excessive amount of drinking I don't really remember how the night ended but my friend claims up and down we slept together.

Well out of all this comes my Lo....

My friend agreed to a paternity test because he swore up and down that we slept together... the results came back this morning and they are negative... as I figured they would be as the measurements for LO are bigger then the original conception date guess.

Now I'm sitting here wondering how the frick I'm going to tell the other guy. He has no idea and we haven't spoken at all... I only have his cell number and as is pretty easy to do he may have changed it...

Normally I would just let history be history and that's that BUT.... I was adopted by my step dad when I was very young and didn't know my real dad or that I even had another dad until one of my siblings threw it in my face when we were younger... that feeling was horrible and I spent years trying to find my real dad. I don't want my baby to have to go through that but at the same time... how do you tell a stranger you are having his baby???

I don't want anything from him or anything but its only fair that he knows. I just don't know how to tell him. 

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