
Burping/Gas questions w/ bf...

These seem like stupid questions but our LO seems to have a hard time burping - that - or we seem to have a hard time burping him. We do all the methods that were suggested by nurses at the hospital (traditional over the shoulder, sitting forward, etc) but he seems to still be gassy and uncomfortable after and I'm not sure what to do to remedy the situation.

How long do you burp your babies after they nurse and what is the best method to insure that all the gas is out? I basically try to do it twice - once in the middle of the feeding (before he is changed) and once at the end before I put him to bed.

Also - do you keep your LO upright after a meal for a little while? I know that is the best thing to do w/ reflux but wasn't sure if it's common practice to do this for babies who don't have reflux to avoid gas issues :/

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