1st Trimester

Low Beta Level

Had a trigger shot on May 1 with IUI May 3. Had a + hpt at 12 days past trigger 10 days past IUI. Beta level was 21. (MD not sure if it was trigger or early level) took another HPT on 14 days past IUI and was positive. Had Beta level done today which is 17 days past IUI and 6 days since previous one. Level was 20 :(. I just don't understand is it still the trigger shot or is it a miscarriage. Going to have another level done on Tuesday. 
Me-29 DH-26 TTC for 16 months 6+ months of "trying on our own" (found out I only ovulate every other month) Clomid with timed intercourse 4 cycles all BFN April 6, 2012 Clomid+IUI #1 BFN (no ultrasound monitoring or trigger) May 3, 2012 Clomid+IUI #2 with HCG trigger shot and two follicles 22mm in size Chemical pregnancy June 19, 2012 Clomid+Timed Intercourse BFP BabyFetus Ticker
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