
Not enough BM but he won't take formula...?

My LO (STTN at 2 months) is almost-5-month-olds now and recently stopped STTN (off/on for 3 weeks). Not sure why, but thought maybe he is not getting enough to eat (he has only had BM). Unfortunately, since he hasn't been sleeping during the night, I can't pump extra while he's sleeping and have gone through my fridge supply of BM already. We tried to supplement tonight for the first time with formula, but he wouldn't drink it. He's accustomed to BM in bottles, so I doubt it's a bottle issue.

I was hoping to EBF for at least 6 months, but it seems that I can't give him enough anymore... yet he wouldn;t take formula either. Not sure what to do with my hungry/crying baby!!

Is this something he will just take when he's even hungrier? Or is it a brand issue? (We just used the free sample from Enfamil that was sent in the mail for infants). Has anyone else dealt with this? What did you do?

Thank you!!!

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