
BF, then supplementing, then pumping - can't take much more

I really wanted to EBF, but at 2 wks LO had lost weight, and I had to supplement.  After a weighed feeding, LC determined LO is getting 1/2 oz from me, so we need to supplement an additional one and half oz.  I am supplementing with pumped breast milk and formula.  I've been nursing him (about 40 min. total), supplementing (we're finger feeding, hoping that EBF is still a possibility; this takes about 15-20 min) and then pumping (15-20 min).  When I pump I only get 1/2 oz - 3/4 oz, so that makes up about half of the supplement.  I know LO is getting more BM than formula, and that makes me feel good, but I am at my wits' end with this.  I have been following this routine for a week and a half (LO will be 4 wks on Wed), but every day I reach a point where I feel like I can't take it anymore.  By the time I finish I have about a half an hour until it's time to start again.  I'm so tired, and I feel like neither LO nor I are getting the rest that we need.  Sometimes I feel like I can't even enjoy him.  I'm trying everything I can do increase my milk supply (eating oatmeal, massaging breasts, taking Mother Love More Milk plus, drinking lactation tea, the pumping), and I feel like nothing is working.  This is really taking its toll on me.  How long do people manage this?  

LC is coming next week, and we'll do another weighed feeding.  If LO isn't getting more milk from me, then I don't know what I'll do.  I know some people have done this and eventually been able to EBF; how long does that take?  

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