
Help me with confidence... Typical day SAHM BF at 3 months

Hi all, I get seemingly no hunger cues from 3 month old baby until she cries. She's always sucking on hands even when not hungry. I try to wait to offer breast 2-3 hours during the day, but sometimes I freak out and offer it earlier. When offered too soon she cries and fusses so I can tell when she does not want it. Then again, sometimes she cries and fusses then latches on and eats like she's so hungry - like I waited too long. 

 Our biggest challenges now are strong let down and  she cries when gassy or poops/ pees, and she happens to almost always poop or pee while nursing. My favorite BF time is 3am as she eats perfectly with no distractions. 

LO is gaining weight, had enough dirty diapers and has so much energy and alertness that I know she's fine. She only wants to face forward so wearing her close to breast isn't an option now. 

 Does anyone have advice to grow my confidence and for she and I to catch a rhythm? She naps and sleeps very well; sometimes nurses to sleep and sometimes nurses when waking. 

 When and how often do you offer breast? Thank you so much!

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