1st Trimester

Don't know my DPO and my HCG is at 24...could that be too low?

I have a post earlier about actually being pregnant, and my doctors office just scheduled an appointment for me yesterday since my blood work came back with a HCG number of 24. So I was content, but then started thinking about how low that seems compared to what other people have been posting...

 I have very very irregular periods. There is no rhyme or reason to them. For example, I've had 5 periods in the last calendar year, sometimes they are 40 days apart, sometimes 2-3 months. 

 Now onto my concern: My fiance lives out of state and came to visit me from April 17-30th. So I know within that time period is when I got pregnant. All of this is so new to me, I don't know if 24 as of yesterday is low for where I should be at, or if it could very well be normal?

I wish I was regular, it'd be a lot easier to put my mind at ease but of course I'm not and none of the rules seem to apply to me! I can't use LMP because there wasn't one! Last period I had was the end of March.

 Any thoughts or ideas on this would be awesome. I'm the only one besides the strangers at the doctors office and you ladies here who know about this pregnancy. I'm want my fiance to know first and I see him on Saturday when I fly out to visit so until then, my lips are sealed and not having anyone to talk to is driving me crazy! 

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