1st Trimester

Please help! Pregnant from clomid!

Please give me your input. I'm new at this and going crazy! Let me give you the low down. My first pregnancy ended at 10 weeks with a blighted ovluam (sp?) and low progestrone, my second started out fine with low progestrone (which was given meds for) and came out as a healthy baby boy, my third ended before the positive dried up, and now here I am with the third. This pregnancy is so different. My boobs hurt sometimes and my lower back is killing me, plus pulling a stretching sensations all along lower stomach...which some tiredness and some sickness after I eat. I also got pregnant this time with the help of clomid at 100mg (clomid due to long periods) Okay heres the problem no sure when i O'ed but I think at 13or 14 dpo my beta was 88 and a little under 2 days later went to 156. Doctor said he was happy. But i can't help to worry, we want 1 more baby so bad. What do you all think the out come will be. No spotting as for cramping just the pulling sensation. Thank you all for your time!!! 1st scan on June 1!
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