1st Trimester

My Molar Pregnancy Experience

So since i've been on here, I shared openly that I have suffered a molar pregnancy the very first time I got pregnant and I guess it got people curious, which I'm totally okay with. A few of you even found me on facebook and asked about it. Well here it is. WARNING: this is going to be long.

Beofre getting into it, you should know that this is very rare, and the doctor that treated me had never seen it before, and the entire practice only had one case before mine. (This should have been a red flag to get a new doctor)

 Another thing you should know, this is not common in woman who are young, mostly affecting woman over 35, which made my case even more rare, seeing as I was 17 when it happened to me.

Okay, now that the facts are out of the way, lets get started with my story!

In November of 2006 I had just lost my sister to a freak accident and was under A LOT OF STRESS, so the last thing on my mind was keeping track of my period, well maybe I should have been cause about 5 days after my sisters passing I found out I was pregnant! I tried to do the math and I thought I was around 6 weeks! Well turns out the symptoms of post dramatic stress disorder and pregnancy are kind of the same. I was very tired, in a lot of pain, my appetite was not great. The other symptoms I experienced were severe bloating, constipations, headaches, and frequent urination. About a week after I found out I went to the OBGYN for my first prenatal appointment. I was so excited, I got a pelvic exam and the doctor said i was actually further along than I orinally thought, guessing at about 8 weeks. And sent me in for blood work to check my hCG levels, which I would hear the result of in a few days.

8 weeks: The pregnancy had taken a horrible turn in the symptoms department I grew so week that I had to be carried to the bathroom or brought a bed pan, my stomach started to stick out a bit as if carrying multiples and my headaches grew worse, but my appetite came back and I was loving me some turkey subs!

When i got a call from my doctor to tell me the levels, they were at a STAGGERING 220,000 at 8 weeks. and instead of being concerned he said its probably multiples and congrats. Mind you, at this point no ultra-sound was given or scheduled. I went on with the pregnancy, my stomach got bigger and harder, and my fatique never went away! I was an estimated 10 weeks when i noticed a brownish/redish bloody dischange that was accompanied by lots of pain. I told my mother that something was wrong and i needed to go to the ER asap.

10 weeks ER visit: I was escorted to the ultrasound room where a very rude lady did an TV U/S. she didnt say a word and even though i was a minor REFUSED to let me have my mother or sister (who is an RN) in the room with me. At this point in the pregnancy my stomach was roughly the size of someone at 20-24 weeks. When the horror of that U/S was done I waited for the doctor to review it, and when he did he came back and said:

"Uhhh, I dont know what to tell you. When I was in medical school they told me I would never see this, so I didnt really pay attention." DIRECT QUOTE! (needless to say my sister complained and he was eventually put on suspension)

I waited for the on call OBGYN to come and when he did, he told me that my levels were way surpassed those of a woman carrying at full term and that the mass (note he did not call it a fetus, or a baby) was mesuring at what a 5 month fetus would be. And that if i didnt get it removed in a timely fashion I would either be a risk for hysterectomy or death (which looking back i think he had to say death to cover his own ass). After he told me that he scheduled a D&C 2 WEEKS LATER!!! I was freaking out thinking that my uterus was going to explode!

12 weeks D&C time: I was told everything would be easy breezey and that he performs tons of these and I should be ready for discharge by the end of the day. NOT SO FAST! When I woke up I was told there were complications and i lost 2 liters or more of blood (thats right a bottle of soda of blood) and that they may or may not have gotten the whole mass and i am in the red zone for a hysterechtomy (sp?). Keep in mind i was 17!! You should also know that if not every single cell is removed from a molar it can turn to cancer and spread rapidly. So after 6 hours, one faiting, and a  bag of the WRONG IV medication later I got a blood tranfusion and an ultrasound. The mass appeared to be gone and I spent 4 days in the hospital monitoring my uterus. They used scopes and i got a TV U/S which is extreamly painful after any kind of uteran surgery.

After a molar: Blood work every week till my level was back to zero. I was put on the depo shot (and gained 30 pounds loosing my sport like body) and was told not to engage in sexual intercourse for 6 months (FINE BY ME!) and was left to "wait and see" if scar tissue formed!

It's been five years since that happened, since then I suffered a misscarriage and a whole bunch of problems concieving. My husband and I are cautiosly optimistic about my current pregnancy and hope we finaly get our prayers answered! I do not wish a molar pregnancy upon anyone, in fact if i had to do it all again to make sure nobody ever had to live through one I would. 

I hope this answered everyones curiosities about it! And I pray for a happy and healthy pregnancy for all the mommies to be on here! 

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