3rd Trimester

My excitement is dwindling.

DH and I choose for him to be a SAHD while also doing his trade on the side due to daycare costs in our area. For the most part it works out great except I am somewhate envious that he is the one that stays home. I just make more money and have excellent insurance. So anyways, I am taking the full 12 weeks off and DH took a 3 month position with a company that he did his internship with years ago. I was so excited about being a SAHM finally, even if only for 3 months.

Recently my sister asked me to watch my 7 year old nephew for the summer. I am not looking forward to it at all but believe family comes first. Also, she is in a bad situation and when she told me that her friend's boyfriend (who none of us like) is her only other option- I accepted.

My nephew is very wild at times, "can do no wrong", and has been teaching my 2.5 yo son how to shoot (everything is a gun), and recently told me he is in a gang. I know he is not but still bad to say at that age.

He is going to be in summer school for about half of the day for 6 of the 12 weeks which will help, but I am seriously thinking of finding him a summer program in my neighborhood.

Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks.

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